Road rage can be fatal

Drivers who engage in dangerous and aggressive behavior like tailgating, red-light running and weaving between lanes cause more than half of the fatal traffic accidents in Ohio and around the country. That was the conclusion reached by researchers from the American Automobile Association’s Foundation for Traffic Safety after studying more than 10,000 road rage incidents.…

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Some delayed signs of birth injuries

Tragically, some babies in Ohio suffer birth injuries. Those injuries can either be mild and temporary or severe and permanent. There are some where the signs are obvious immediately, and others where the symptoms present down the road. What are birth injuries? Birth injuries are injuries a baby sustains during labor or childbirth. If there…

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Avoiding common anesthesia errors

Every year in this country, doctors perform almost 40 million procedures requiring anesthesia. Anesthesia administration is one of modern medicine’s greatest achievements. However, as with any medical procedure, there is, unfortunately, room for error. Around 251,000 people die from medical errors in the United States annually, which made medical errors the fourth most common cause…

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Can routine continuous fetal monitoring cause your baby harm?

Care providers use fetal monitoring to follow a baby’s heartbeat through labor and birth. Clinicians in Ohio use gathered information to determine whether or not to intervene in the birth process. Parents-to-be may wonder if there is the potential for collecting this data to harm the baby. Does continuous monitoring prevent stillbirth death? Before the…

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Patient’s rights after an unauthorized treatment plan

Health care laws define how doctors or nurses can treat patients. While there are exceptions to the laws that are sometimes difficult to understand, certain terms allow a patient to sue a medical provider in Ohio for performing an unauthorized treatment. The necessity of informed consent Every major surgical operation needs the patient’s consent. Health…

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These medical mistakes should never happen

Residents of Ohio trust their doctors and other health care professionals to provide adequate care. Unfortunately, certain medical mistakes can happen and result in injuries. Incidents known as “never events” form the basis of many medical malpractice claims. What are never events? A never event is a type of medical mistake that should never happen.…

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Facts about shoulder dystocia in Ohio

The birth of a baby is one of the most memorable moments in many people’s lives. But for some mothers and babies, birth injuries are an unfortunate reality. One birth injury that can occur when delivering a child is shoulder dystocia. Here’s what you need to know about this condition. What is shoulder dystocia? Shoulder…

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Winter driving in Ohio

Motor vehicle accidents in Ohio are prevalent in winter weather, but residents can take a few simple steps to reduce their chances of a collision. The hazards of winter driving mean that you need to adjust how you would usually drive your car. Don’t drive unless it’s necessary One way to avoid personal injury during…

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Cancer misdiagnosis at heart of most suits against radiologists

Catastrophic personal injuries are life-altering events in Lexington, Kentucky. Under U.S. law, catastrophic personal injury prevents a person from gainful work. These types of injuries might involve a severed neck, a permanent functional disability or a fatality. Poor medical care and misdiagnosis are common causes of a catastrophic injury. Radiology malpractice in oncology Oncology is…

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