An overview of surgical errors and medical malpractice

Statistics show that around 4,000 surgical errors are made annually, even with advanced technology. This may be cause for alarm for patients in Cincinnati, Ohio, who expect to come out of surgery unscathed. If a surgeon fails to follow a basic standard of care, they could face a medical malpractice lawsuit. Surgical errors and medical…

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Stress and surgical errors in Kentucky

Surgical errors are one of the main causes of medical malpractice lawsuits. In determining whether these errors are a result of stress, here’s what you need to know. Stress and medical errors Doctors, nurses and other health care providers are under intense pressure at work. This includes long working hours and the emotional toll of…

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Lack of informed consent is a medical malpractice issue

Lack of informed consent is one of the most common reasons for medical malpractice claims in Ohio. This can happen when a medical professional violates an individual’s right to make their own medical decisions freely. Read on to learn more about this issue. What is the meaning of informed consent? This is a principle that…

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What is cobalt toxicity from a hip replacement?

Each year, millions of patients undergo hip replacement surgery in Ohio and across the United States. Unfortunately, medical devices can sometimes be defective, resulting in serious complications. Cobalt toxicity is one of the complications that can occur after a hip implant. Why do people get hip replacements? Hip replacement surgery is a very common procedure…

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Surprising fact about truck accidents

It can sometimes be intimidating to drive near large trucks in Lexington, Kentucky. Big heavy semi-trucks can do a lot of damage when they’re involved in an accident. But did you know that the vast majority of truck accidents involving passenger cars are not the trucker’s fault? Passenger car drivers cause most truck accidents Statistics…

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Common Emergency Room and Medical Facility Errors

Medical malpractice is negligence that can cause serious injury or death to a patient in Ohio or Kentucky. It’s an unfortunate reality that medical errors happen all too often in emergency rooms and medical facilities, but it does not have to be this way. In order to reduce medical mistakes, people must first become aware…

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Protecting your loved ones in Kentucky nursing homes

Unfortunately, nursing home abuse is an all-too-common occurrence in Kentucky and throughout the United States. The victims, elderly residents of these facilities, are often the most vulnerable among us. Therefore, the burden of preventing abuse and protecting loved ones frequently falls on the loved ones of these long-term care residents. Our legal responsibility to prevent…

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Misdiagnosis can cause severe harm to patients

Most people in Ohio tend to trust their doctors when they receive a medical diagnosis. However, it’s important to know that medical experts, even specialists in specific conditions, can make mistakes. When a patient’s medical condition is misdiagnosed, the consequences can be severe. Delayed treatment Some medical conditions can become much worse when a correct…

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What you need to know about shoulder dystocia

It can be hard to know everything about medical conditions and malpractice in Kentucky, but you may have heard of shoulder dystocia or even experienced it. This issue is one of the most common causes of medical malpractice lawsuits against doctors, and it is important to understand what it is early enough. What is shoulder…

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Do anesthesia errors lead to malpractice claims?

Anesthesia forever changed the way physicians perform surgeries. When placed under anesthesia, a patient feels no pain or even has any awareness about a surgery, a miraculous achievement possible even during organ transplants and other complex operations. While scores of patients go under anesthesia without any problems, accidents and catastrophes occur. Anesthesia mistakes could then…

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