Steve Crandall Included In Best Lawyers In America

Once again, Crandall & Pera Law is proud to announce that Steve Crandall has been selected for inclusion in the 26th edition of the Best Lawyers in America publication. The honor represents his fifth selection that recognizes his work in personal injury and medical malpractice. Steve was previously named Best Lawyers Medical Negligence Lawyer of…

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Fracturing your femur in a car accident

Perhaps you were hit by an 18-wheeler or by a speeding passenger vehicle in Ohio. The violent impact of the crash may have left you with a fractured femur. Car crashes are, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, the leading cause of femur fractures. Different types of femur fractures The femur, also known…

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Foot injuries may involve a fifth metatarsal fracture

Residents of Ohio may want to learn about the several types of injuries that can happen to a bone in the foot, the fifth metatarsal. There are several treatment options once the symptoms are interpreted. These fractures are usually the result of trauma that has happened to the foot. They can be caused by rotational…

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Black patients often victims of dermatology misdiagnoses

Black people have the lowest life expectancy of any major group in the country, and the reality of racial bias in the medical field is partially to blame. Dermatology is one area in particular where Black patients are often the victims of misdiagnoses and other errors. Ohio residents should know that lack of specific training,…

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Innovative ways to identify and treat rare cancers

Perhaps you have a rare condition that was misdiagnosed the first time around. It could be that you experienced a harmful delay in getting the correct diagnosis. Whatever the case may be, you should know that diagnostic errors are one of the leading causes of malpractice claims in and outside of Cincinnati, Ohio. Things are…

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Hospital negligence in Ohio

While many people use the term “negligence” loosely, it is a concept that has to be proven beyond reasonable doubt before a patient can hold a doctor or a hospital responsible for any damage that they suffered. A person can be found negligent when it is deemed that their carelessness resulted in the harm of…

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Many hospitals are failing to keep patients safe

Ohio residents would expect hospitals to do all they can to ensure patient safety, but unfortunately, this is not always the case. Nationwide, as many as 440,000 people die each year from injuries, accidents or illnesses linked to hospital errors. Every year, 1 in 25 people who go to a hospital contract acquire a preventable…

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Fighting hospital negligence in Ohio

People place their trust and their health in the hands of medical professionals. While most workers in the health care arena in Ohio are doing their best, unfortunately, some are providing less than optimal care. Attorney Stephen Crandall has a unique perspective on the issue of hospital negligence. Early in his legal career, Crandall worked…

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Laryngeal cancer and failure to diagnose

Smoking has been linked to lung cancer, but it can also cause damage to the trachea and larynx. While smoking increases the chances of laryngeal cancer, so does working in certain industries in Ohio. The larynx enables a person to breathe and swallow, and getting exposed to harmful substances could irritate the airway. The reason…

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