The Odd, Healing Link Between TBI and Gatorade

A recent interview with two doctors from Medical College of Georgia delved into their research on traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and how a popular blue food dye might help patients heal more quickly. Dr. John Vender, the Vice Chair of MCG’s department of neurosurgery, and Dr. Krishnan Dhandapani, an MCG neuroscientist, spoke to The Means…

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How Goodyear Covered Up “The Worst Tire Made in History”

Documents published by the website Jalopnik show documents dating back nearly two decades from Goodyear, showing their G159 RV tire has been linked to more than 700 complaints—including hundreds of crashes, dozens of injuries, and nine deaths. The expose called the tire “the worst tire made in history,” with documents from 1996 to 2015 pointing…

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Complications: Pregnancy and Influenza

Pregnancy is a time where many changes occur within a woman’s body. Some of them are extraordinary – you’re growing a person in there! – and some of them may be a bit uncomfortable or irritating. But some of these changes may increase the chances of the pregnant woman coming down with the flu (influenza).…

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FDA Restricts Sales of Essure Birth Control Device

Since its approval to go on the market in 2002, the implantable permanent birth control device Essure has been the subject of much controversy. Thousands of women have claimed the device has caused pain, internal bleeding, miscarriages, and stillbirths. The FDA finally responded on April 9 by issuing an order restricting sales and distribution of…

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Is the Nursing Home Liable for Resident to Resident Aggression or Assault?

When you think about nursing home negligence, resident-to-resident abuse might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but it is a prevalent issue affecting nursing home and assisted living residents throughout the United States. The National Consumer Voice for Long-Term Care conducted a prevalence study on Resident-to-Resident Elder Mistreatment in Nursing Homes. The…

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