The Facts on Epidurals for Labor

If you are pregnant, chances are that you have heard stories from other women regarding their epidural experiences. Here are some popular myths, along with the facts: MYTH: Epidurals are too dangerous. FACT: Epidural analgesia is the most commonly used method for pain relief during labor. It is also the most effective. In most cases,…

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Medical Review Panels Deemed Unconstitutional by Kentucky Judge

Franklin Circuit Judge Philip Shepherd has come down on the side of justice, and declared Kentucky’s new law regarding medical review panels is unconstitutional. The Courier-Journal cited Judge Shepherd’s order: “The effect of the medical review panel process is not the reduction of frivolous negligence claims, but rather, the erection of barriers to the court…

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Hospitals Charged with Negligence in Drug Diversion Lawsuits

After surgery or when they are experiencing severe pain, hospital patients are given powerful pain medications as part of their treatment. But what happens when a patient who is in excruciating pain from a terminal illness receives Tylenol, an over-the-counter headache remedy instead of the more powerful opioid pain medication Oxycodone. When a hospital patient…

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