Should There Be a Legal Age Limit for Playing Football?

A recent op-ed piece in the New York Times asks the same questions we have been asking: namely, should children – whose brains and bodies are still developing – be allowed to play football? It was written by Bennet Omalu, the man who discovered the link between chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) and football. The new…

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Medical Malpractice Payouts on the Rise throughout the Country

Deiderich Healthcare is part of a group of companies which offer medical malpractice insurance to healthcare providers throughout the country. For the last four years, they have offered an analysis of medical malpractice payouts throughout the country, to help their clients understand the changing world in which they practice medicine. The 2015 analysis covers amounts…

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Are Hospital Falls Considered Medical Malpractice?

When you are hospitalized for any reason, your healthcare facility has an obligation to make arrangements to protect you from any further harm. This includes considering the possibility that you may be unable to stand or walk on your own, especially following surgery or the administration of drugs. Whether hospital falls constitute malpractice is often…

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Hospitals Are Killing Our Children

Alizabeth and Elvin Hana were devastated when their daughter was born with a brain injury in 2004. The birth injury was caused by severe oxygen deprivation, and the prognosis was not good. According to the Chicago Tribune, their daughter lived only three years because of the severe brain injury caused by the doctors at Rush…

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What Does “Medical Malpractice” Really Mean?

In the simplest of terms, medical malpractice occurs when a patient is injured by a medical professional during the course of medical treatment, and that injury was the result of an act of negligence. This is a somewhat over-simplified definition because each state has its own rules about the process for filing the lawsuit, the…

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Umbilical Cord Accidents Can Have Life-long Repercussions

John and Sonya Butler were expecting in April of 2005. Sonya had a normal pregnancy; no issues were detected and no problems were anticipated. However, an unfortunate combination of events led to her daughter, Alex, suffering umbilical cord injuries during birth that left her a quadriplegic. The case that the family filed against the hospital…

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