Pregnancy-Related Sepsis Deaths; What You Should Know

Sepsis and septic shock are an important consideration for recently pregnant women. The body is vulnerable after pregnancy. Resources are depleted, and whether the birth was natural or surgical, large areas of the body are exposed and vulnerable to infection. What is sepsis? According to the Mayo Clinic, “Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening complication of…

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Power Morcellator Approval Questioned

Power morcellators are produced by various companies, and have been approved for surgical use by the Food and Drug Administration. Several recent lawsuits are raising questions about the known risk associated with power morcellators and the ethics of their use in during surgery. What is a power morcellator? A power morcellator is a device used…

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Oxygen Deprivation as a Result of a Medical Error

Cerebral hypoxia takes place when the brain (and eventually the entire body) is not getting enough oxygen to stay alive. Hypoxic brain injury occurs when there is a decrease in the oxygen supply to the brain. This can be caused by many things such as a head injury, carbon monoxide poisoning, a rapid drop in…

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Massachusetts General Says Drug Errors during Surgery “Startlingly High”

Researchers in the anesthesiology department at Massachusetts General Hospital have found that about half of all surgeries involve medication errors or unintended drug side effects. The study was published in the journal Anesthesiology after researchers observed 277 procedures at the medical center. The study is bringing an overlooked aspect of surgery into the spotlight. Previous…

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Common Types of Commercial Truck Accidents

Whether they are traveling the highways or around the city on local streets, commercial trucks are involved in accidents with passenger vehicles and other motor vehicles every day in the United States. There are many different factors that cause truck accidents, but the majority of accidents are caused by driver error. Mechanical defects can also…

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Big Rigs, Big Tires, Big Risks

Every driver who has blown a tire on the road knows the drill; a loud noise and sudden loss of control make a blowout a terrifying experience. The wheel suddenly becomes an enemy. Wrestling for control, your vehicle does not respond the way you anticipate, and just getting to the side of the road can…

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Healthcare Is Supposed To Heal You, Not Make You Sick

The New Jersey Department of Health recently reported that a nurse who administered flu vaccines at a company-sponsored clinic re-used a single syringe for 67 employees. This failure to adhere to proper infection control practices put every single one of those employees at needless risk. While errors of this magnitude are rare, they are not…

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Fetal Macrosomia; What You Should Know

A new study has suggested a solution for reducing birth injury due to fetal macrosomia. The study is the largest ever of its kind, evaluating the outcome of early labor induction in 822 pregnant women with the condition. The results are promising, and bring attention to a little known issue. What is fetal macrosomia? According…

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