Don’t Wait Until Last Minute to Choose a Nursing Home

Taking the time to select the right nursing home is one of the most important steps families can take for the 1.4 million residents currently living in these often-feared institutional settings, according to a recent article in The New York Times.  When paid for privately, the average cost for nursing home care ranges from $10,000…

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Kentucky Drivers Protected by Commercial Vehicle Enforcement

With over two million tractor-trailers on the road every day, Kentucky’s Commercial Vehicle Enforcement division is working to prevent traffic accidents that could cause serious physical injury and property damage. The division protects the state’s infrastructure and enforces state and federal laws on commercial vehicles traveling Kentucky’s roads. In addition to inspections based at weigh stations, which…

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New Guidelines for Preemie Drug Angers Manufacturer

Scaling back use of a costly medicine given mostly to premature babies has caused a clash between the drug’s manufacturer and the nation’s leading pediatrician’s group, according to a recent CBS News article. The drug, sold under the brand name Synagis, guards against a common but usually mild virus that can cause serious lung problems.…

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Cancer Survival Rates Differing by Age

Although improved cancer treatments and screenings have helped children and older adults live longer over the last 30 years, teens and young adults with cancer have not experienced the same rates of survival, according to a recent CBS News article.   Since 1975, cancer survival rates for children 14 and under have increased by 25 percent, with…

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Cost of Some Generic Drugs Rapidly Increase

The cost of health care does not serve the only sticker shock in the medical industry – some generic drugs have recently seen price increases of over 1,000 percent, according to a recent article in The New York Times. Digoxin, a generic heart medicine prescribed for over 200 years, has seen its prices tripled over the…

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Hidden Cameras Lead to Criminal Charges for Ohio Nursing Home

Placing hidden cameras inside nursing homes may seem extreme, but at one Ohio facility the act led to catching numerous criminal activities, according to Attorney General Mike DeWine’s office. Thirty-nine criminal charges have been filed against Autumn Health Care in Zanesville after relatives or residents began complaining to authorities in December 2012. The relatives allowed…

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Minimally Invasive Surgeries Underused Nationwide

Despite the risk of fewer complications and less pain, U.S. hospitals are not using minimally invasive surgeries as often as they should, according to a study reported in a recent NBC News article. A survey of 1,051 U.S. hospitals in 45 states found that while 71 percent used minimally invasive surgery to take out an…

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Discovered Smallpox Vials Raise Concerns

Vials of the smallpox virus found at the National Institutes of Health in Maryland are raising questions over how they went unnoticed for so long, according to a recent CBS News article. Six glass vials were found to contain smallpox DNA, although health officials are still unsure if the samples are live and potentially dangerous. The…

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Sports and Brain Injuries: A Dangerous Connection

The dangerous consequences of sports-related blows to the head include many long-term and debilitating burdens, as described by many former athletes and detailed in a recent CBS News article. All too often young athletes feel they are invincible and immune to any sort of long-term injury. But several ailments – such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy,…

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