Texting and driving is negligence

Public awareness campaigns may decrease certain types of automobile accidents in Ohio. In past generations, such campaigns helped change attitudes and laws regarding drunk driving. Today, many entities work to warn people about the terrible risks of texting while driving. Sadly, as with intoxicating driving, numerous Ohio motorists ignore warnings and continue to text behind…

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Road rage can be fatal

Drivers who engage in dangerous and aggressive behavior like tailgating, red-light running and weaving between lanes cause more than half of the fatal traffic accidents in Ohio and around the country. That was the conclusion reached by researchers from the American Automobile Association’s Foundation for Traffic Safety after studying more than 10,000 road rage incidents.…

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Winter driving in Ohio

Motor vehicle accidents in Ohio are prevalent in winter weather, but residents can take a few simple steps to reduce their chances of a collision. The hazards of winter driving mean that you need to adjust how you would usually drive your car. Don’t drive unless it’s necessary One way to avoid personal injury during…

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Surprising fact about truck accidents

It can sometimes be intimidating to drive near large trucks in Lexington, Kentucky. Big heavy semi-trucks can do a lot of damage when they’re involved in an accident. But did you know that the vast majority of truck accidents involving passenger cars are not the trucker’s fault? Passenger car drivers cause most truck accidents Statistics…

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CVSA announces 2021 International Roadcheck results

Tens of thousands of semi-tractor trailers in Ohio and around the country were pulled over and inspected for safety violations between May 4 and May 6 during the 2021 International Roadcheck initiative. During the safety blitz, commercial vehicle inspectors ordered almost 7,000 trucks off the road because of dangerous defects and removed more than 2,000…

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Can you sue a third party for a workplace injury?

In Ohio, employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to cover an employee who is injured while performing their job duties. There are limits on workers’ compensation, however, and those limits may make it difficult for you to cover your expenses. Avoiding financial hardship may mean filing a lawsuit against a third party. Workers’…

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What to know about riding a motorcycle

Statistically speaking, motorcyclists are at a greater risk of getting hurt in an accident compared to those who travel Ohio roadways in passenger vehicles. However, there are steps that you can take to minimize your risk of getting hurt while riding. Wear the proper safety gear It’s important to cover as much of your body…

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Does not wearing a helmet impact a motorcyclist’s lawsuit?

Motorcyclists taking to the road in Ohio may find themselves subject to rules regarding helmets. Helmets are not mandatory for all motorcyclists, so a motorcyclist excluded from requirements to wear a helmet might ride without one. Dire problems could arise when a negligent driver hits and injures a motorcyclist. Does the decision to go without…

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Truck accidents and their common causes

Many of the most devastating auto accidents in Ohio involve trucks. When a truck and a smaller vehicle collide, the occupants of the smaller vehicle typically take the brunt of any damage. In 2018 alone, truck accidents were responsible for 4,136 deaths. The majority of those fatalities were pedestrians, cyclists and occupants of passenger vehicles.…

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