Is denying treatment medical malpractice?

Not all visits to a hospital are going to be for a serious issue, but the one thing all patients expect from visitation is to receive proper medical treatment. However, what happens when treatment is denied and your minor issue becomes a serious one? Does that constitute as a form of medical malpractice? Read on…

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Think twice before receiving medical care from a hospital or doctor employed by the State of Ohio

Many people look to their local university medical center for care. This includes medical centers at Ohio State, University of Cincinnati, the Toledo University Medical Center or through their affiliated physicians. However, they may not realize that if they are injured or killed due to medical negligence, going to their university medical center can mean…

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Not only doctors are sued for medical malpractice

Most medical malpractice lawsuits in Ohio and around the country are brought against negligent physicians, but they may also be filed against hospitals, clinics or other medical facilities, anesthesiologists, nurses or pharmaceutical companies. Whoever the defendant in a medical malpractice case is, the plaintiff must establish that the care they received did not meet generally…

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Lewy body dementia and why it’s so misdiagnosed

More than 1.4 million people in Ohio and the rest of the U.S. have Lewy body dementia. That’s more than the number of people with muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy and ALS combined, yet doctors will often mistake LBD for a psychiatric disorder or for another form of dementia like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. The total number…

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Retinal detachment behind many opthalmic malpractice claims

Many malpractice claims involve the misdiagnosis of ophthalmic conditions, but for the most part, they are not the rare ones but rather the more relatively common ones. Many ophthalmologists are misdiagnosing retinal detachment in particular. Perhaps you had this condition missed or mistaken for something else here in Cincinnati, Ohio. You yourself may be able…

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Lewy body dementia, a condition all too often misdiagnosed

If you know someone in Ohio who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease or some psychiatric disorder, then hopefully the diagnosis was the correct one. The reason is that a particular condition called Lewy body dementia can be mistaken for any of the three conditions mentioned above. What is Lewy body dementia? In LBD,…

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Foot injuries may involve a fifth metatarsal fracture

Residents of Ohio may want to learn about the several types of injuries that can happen to a bone in the foot, the fifth metatarsal. There are several treatment options once the symptoms are interpreted. These fractures are usually the result of trauma that has happened to the foot. They can be caused by rotational…

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Innovative ways to identify and treat rare cancers

Perhaps you have a rare condition that was misdiagnosed the first time around. It could be that you experienced a harmful delay in getting the correct diagnosis. Whatever the case may be, you should know that diagnostic errors are one of the leading causes of malpractice claims in and outside of Cincinnati, Ohio. Things are…

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