Jury awards $1.2 million medical malpractice award to Crandall & Pera Law client
Crandall & Pera Law Attorney Marc Pera recently won a significant victory for his client, Victoria Stamper and her husband Steve, in a medical malpractice case against Michael Draznik, M.D. Dr. Draznik performed two surgeries on Victoria to remove her uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. A portion of her fallopian tube was inadvertently left in…
Read MoreU.S. Joins Global Initiative to Fight Infectious Diseases
The U.S. and 26 other countries have begun a new effort to prevent and fight outbreaks of dangerous infectious diseases before they spread around the globe, according to NBC News. The Global Health Security Agenda will bolster local disease monitoring, develop tests for different pathogens and help regions create and strengthen systems to report and…
Read MorePainkiller Abuse Worsens, Leads to Hard Drugs
Prescription drug abuse is not only a continuing plague nationwide, but could also be a gateway for increased heroin use, according to a recent NBC News article. There has been a roughly 20 percent increase in overdose deaths involving prescription painkillers since 2006, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “The pathway appears to…
Read MoreStaggering Infant Mortality Rate Sparks Change in Ohio
New statistics show that Ohio is just about the deadliest state for infants, ranking 48th for infant deaths, according to The Columbus Dispatch. In 2012, 1,045 babies died before their first birthday, according to state officials. This has led the push for new state bills that would provide $25 million for community-based services such as…
Read MoreStudy Further Complicates Choices on Mammography
The results of a long-term health trial which found no difference in death rates from breast cancer among women who had regular mammograms and those who did not may further confuse the actual necessary rate of these exams, according to The New York Times. The annual mammogram has been promoted vociferously and continuously as an…
Read More$7.7 million Verdict Dr. Xiao Di and Nan Qiao v. Cleveland Clinic Foundation and Dr. Andrew Esposito Cleveland, Ohio
This case involved negligent actions during a medical procedure that left Dr. Di, a neurosurgeon formerly employed by the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, no longer able to operate. Back on Feb. 12, 2010, Dr. Di was performing surgery when he injured his left eye. Subsequent to that work-related injury, he underwent surgery to have his eye…
Read More$3.5 million Settlement Jane Doe v. ABC Hospital Columbus, Ohio
A young married woman who had two young boys was admitted to her local hospital for an infection of her wound site after a resent spine surgery. She needed and IV line established so she could receive fluids and her needed antibiotics to cure her infection. Had this happened she would have been fine, the…
Read More$910,000 Verdict Kelly Maron et al. v. Lake Health Systems and Dr. Timothy Pritchard Lake County, Ohio
A surgical towel was left in Kelly’s abdomen after a June 2009 surgery to remove colon cancer and was not discovered until November 2009. It caused the removal of 2/3 of Kelly’s small bowel and massive digestive issues which will last her entire life. Tried in Lake County Court of Common Pleas, the verdict reached…
Read MoreOhio Nursing Home Ranked Among Worst Nationwide
A Cincinnati-area nursing home has been placed on a federal “Special Focus Facility” list, ranking it among the worst facilities in the country due to a history of serious quality issues. East Galbraith Health Care Center in Deer Park, Ohio, owned by Provider Services Holdings Co. of Cleveland, was rated much below average in health inspections…
Read More2.25 Million Verdict Estate of Jane Doe v. ABC Hospital Anonymous City, OH
A 34 year old married mother of two boys recently delivered her third child. During surgery for the delivery, a C-section, a portion of intestines were injured. This lead to an infection that went undiagnosed for several days. Unfortunately she died as a result. A confidential settlement was reached before trial.
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