$2.9 million Settlement John Doe v. Anonymous Defendant Dayton, Ohio
A man was in the hospital for injuries received at his home when an accident on his farm occured. This accident would not have resulted in permanent injury but was serious enough to require a breathing tube until he improved. His breathing tube was blocked by secretions and his vital signs worsened, however the nursing…
Read More$2.45 million Settlement Jane Doe v. ABC Hospital Cincinnati, Ohio
A young woman was not properly diagnosed in the Emergency Room as well as on the floor of a hospital leading to continued seizure activity. Unfortunately this caused permanent brain injury and led to the necessity of physical therapy and other home based care. This case was resolved after various experts were hired and a…
Read More$2 million Verdict Woodruff v. Lima Memorial Hospital Lima, Ohio
Mr. Woodruff, a married man with numerous children, was admitted to LMH to have a procedure. While there he was placed on a ventilator after the procedure was completed. He began to show signs of a decrease in oxygen which was ignored by the nursing staff. In fact, they attempted to blame a physician for…
Read More$2 million Settlement Jane Doe and family v. ABC Hospital Anonymous Ohio City
A 59 year old woman just completed successful heart transplant surgery and was set to be discharged home. She developed shortness of breath and an x-ray confirmed fluid had collected around one of her lungs. A simple procedure needed to be done to drain the fluid and allow her to breath easier. The x-ray was…
Read More$4.5 million Settlement John Doe v. ABC Hospital Columbus, Ohio
A young boy was in the hospital for pain in his stomach. A radiology study was being done to determine the cause and possible surgery for it. Because of the pain his breathing was difficult and had to be continually monitored. During the study his family was with him and became concerned that he was…
Read More$1.7 million Settlement John Doe v. ABC Hospital Lima, Ohio
This remains one of the most disturbing cases we’ve ever handled. The client’s were a happy and close knit family whose father had heart surgery. After surgery his wound became infected and was being treated with another operation. During the evening his wound began bleeding slowly but obvious signs were there. The nurse on staff…
Read More$5.5 million Settlement Jane Doe v. ABC Trucking Company Cleveland, Ohio
An energetic and sweet married woman was on her way to a fitness center during her lunch hour from work when she was broadsided by a 18 wheel truck which had run a red light. While she broke many bones in her body the impact caused a traumatic and force fueled injury to her brain.…
Read More$1.1 million Settlement Jane Doe v. ABC Hospital Cleveland, Ohio
A woman in her 50′s was in her local hospital recovering from surgery when she began to develop pneumonia. Her oxygen saturation rates dropped several times during a days and she had signs of chest pain and infection in her lungs. These signs were ignored by the nurses and doctors and she eventually arrested and…
Read More$2.2 million Settlement Jane Doe v. ABC Hospital Newark, Ohio
This case was a tragedy but was fortunately settled before a lawsuit had to be filed. A young woman died after a short stay in the hospital due to an undiagnosed infection. She left behind a husband and two children they had together. Due to the settlement we were able to provide college and retirement…
Read More$4.65 million Settlement Baby Doe v. ABC Hospital Cincinnati, Ohio
This case involved nurses attempting to blame an OB for not attending to warning signs during a delivery. The OB indicated he was in the on call sleeping room the entire night and was never called in a timely manner. Lost in this senseless fight was the family of a little girl who was born…
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