Is the Nursing Home Liable for Resident to Resident Aggression or Assault?

When you think about nursing home negligence, resident-to-resident abuse might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but it is a prevalent issue affecting nursing home and assisted living residents throughout the United States. The National Consumer Voice for Long-Term Care conducted a prevalence study on Resident-to-Resident Elder Mistreatment in Nursing Homes. The…

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Can Medical Marijuana Ease the Opioid Epidemic?

According to two recent studies, medical marijuana may be chipping away at the opioid problem in the United States. Advocates for legalizing marijuana have long held the belief that the plant is a lower-risk alternative to opioids, and can relieve chronic pain. However, those on the other side of the issue claim that marijuana could…

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Steve Crandall to Speak about Social Media’s Effects on Juries at the Annual OAJ Convention on May 4th

The Ohio Association of Justice, or OAJ, holds a convention every Spring in Columbus. This year, we are proud to announce that firm co-founder Steve Crandall has been asked to speak at the convention. His presentation, titled “Social Media and its Effects on Jury Selections and Verdicts,” will be given during the Medical Malpractice portion…

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