Wrongful Death Case Evaluation

Evaluating Wrongful Death ClaimsThree very important areas to look at whenever you’re evaluating wrongful death would be misdiagnosis of a heart attack, misdiagnosis of cancer, or medication error. Let’s talk about misdiagnosis first.

Once of the most important evaluations in misdiagnosis is for a nationally recognized attorney to look at your medical records, as well as your X-rays. In many cases, what is not known is that the physicians could have diagnosed your heart attack or especially your cancer, many months or ever years before it was diagnosed.

Another area of wrongful death to examine is medication errors. There are literally tens of thousands of medication errors that occur throughout the country every year. They would include medication errors that occur when you are in the hospital, as well as when you receive your medication from a pharmacy. Medication errors can cause wrongful death, brain damage and other severe injury. Did medical negligence lead to your loved one‘s death?

Losing a loved one is always heartbreaking, but finding out that medical negligence played a role in the death of that person can be devastating. Misdiagnosis and medication errors are among the leading causes of wrongful death, but you may also have a claim if your loved one died as a result of:

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  • Failure to monitor a patient
  • Improper behavior by a doctor

In complex medical malpractice cases like these, you want an award-winning law firm on your side to help you seek justice. Crandall & Pera Law was founded by three former medical malpractice defense attorneys in Ohio and Kentucky. Each founding member has the experience and skills to anticipate problems before they arise, and to build a case built on solid evidence and documentation. Because the attorneys know how to dismantle a medical negligence case, they are able to shore up any “holes” and create a stronger case for their clients.

If you have lost a loved one because of medical negligence, you may have a claim for wrongful death. Let Crandall & Pera Law protect your interests, and help you protect your family. To schedule a free consultation, please fill out this contact form. You can also call our Ohio or Kentucky wrongful death attorneys.

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