Kentucky spinal cord injury lawyers

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Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers

Experienced legal help after you suffer a spinal cord injury
in Louisville or Lexington


Spinal cord injuries are among the most devastating and life-altering injuries one can experience. These injuries can result from various accidents, such as car crashes, falls, sports injuries, and acts of violence. The consequences of a spinal cord injury are often profound, affecting not only the injured individual but also their family and loved ones. Victims may face permanent paralysis, loss of sensation, and other significant health complications that require extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and long-term care. At Crandall & Pera Law, our Kentucky spinal cord injury attorneys understand the immense physical, emotional, and financial burdens that come with spinal cord injuries, and we are dedicated to providing compassionate and skilled legal representation to help victims secure the compensation they need for their recovery.

Kentucky Louisville

Our experienced team of personal injury attorneys is committed to fighting for the rights of spinal cord injury victims. We approach each case with meticulous attention to detail, conducting thorough investigations to determine the cause of the injury and identify liable parties. Whether negotiating with insurance companies or advocating in court, our goal is to ensure that our clients receive the maximum compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. We believe in empowering our clients by providing them with the legal support and resources they need to rebuild their lives after a spinal cord injury.

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What is a spinal cord injury?

A spinal cord injury (SCI) is a severe and often life-altering injury that occurs when there is damage to the spinal cord, the bundle of nerves that runs down the middle of the back and carries signals between the brain and the rest of the body. The spinal cord is crucial for transmitting messages that control movement, sensation, and bodily functions, so damage to it can have profound effects on an individual's physical capabilities and overall health.

How common are spinal cord injuries?

The National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center reports the following:

  • The estimated number of people living with a traumatic spinal cord injury is about 305,000.
  • There are about 18,000 new spinal cord injuries each year (these numbers do not include those who “die at the location of the incident that caused the SCI”).
  • The average age of injury is 43 years old.
  • About 79% of new SCI cases are male.
  • Car accidents are the leading cause of injury, followed closely by falls. “Acts of violence (primarily gunshot wounds) and sports/recreation activities are also relatively common causes.”
  • About 30% of people with an SCI are re-hospitalized at least once during any given year following the injury. The average hospital stay is about 18 days.

What are the types of spinal cord injuries in Kentucky?

Spinal cord injuries typically fall into two main types:

  • Complete injury: In a complete SCI, there is a total loss of sensory and motor function below the level of the injury. This means the affected individual cannot feel or move any part of their body below the injury site.
  • Incomplete injury: An incomplete SCI means there is some degree of retained sensory or motor function below the level of the injury. The extent of this retained function can vary widely from person to person.

The location of the injury on the spinal cord determines the specific impairments and symptoms.

  • Cervical (neck) injuries: Injuries to the cervical spine (C1-C7) can result in quadriplegia or tetraplegia, affecting all four limbs and possibly the respiratory muscles.
  • Thoracic (upper back) injuries: Thoracic injuries (T1-T12) typically affect the trunk and legs, potentially resulting in paraplegia while the arms remain functional.
  • Lumbar (lower back) and sacral (pelvic) injuries: Injuries to the lumbar (L1-L5) and sacral (S1-S5) regions primarily affect the legs and lower body functions, possibly leading to varying degrees of paraplegia.

No matter what type of SCI you or your loved one sustain, the Kentucky spinal cord injury lawyers at Crandall & Pera Law are here to help.

What are the different types of paralysis?

Paralysis refers to the loss of muscle function in part of the body and can be caused by various factors, including spinal cord injuries. The types of paralysis are categorized based on the location and extent of the paralysis. Here are the different types of paralysis:

  • Monoplegia is paralysis affecting a single limb, such as an arm or a leg. This is often caused by localized nerve damage, brain injuries, or conditions like cerebral palsy.
  • Hemiplegia is paralysis that affects one side of the body, typically involving an arm and a leg on the same side. These commonly result from strokes, brain injuries, or conditions like multiple sclerosis.
  • Paraplegia is paralysis affecting the lower half of the body, typically involving both legs and sometimes the lower abdomen. Injuries to the thoracic, lumbar, or sacral regions of the spinal cord, as well as certain diseases or congenital conditions, can cause paraplegia.
  • Quadriplegia (tetraplegia) is paralysis affecting all four limbs and the torso. Usually, this results from severe injuries to the cervical (neck) region of the spinal cord, leading to significant impairment in movement and sensation below the level of the injury.
  • Diplegia is paralysis affecting the same area on both sides of the body, often used to describe paralysis of both arms or both legs. This condition can result from congenital conditions and birth injuries like cerebral palsy or neurological disorders affecting specific regions of the brain or spinal cord.

What are the treatments for spinal cord injuries in Kentucky?

In Kentucky, treatments for spinal cord injuries (SCI) typically involve a multidisciplinary approach aimed at stabilizing the injury, preventing further damage, and maximizing recovery and quality of life for the affected individual. While specific treatments may vary based on the severity and location of the injury, as well as individual circumstances, here are some common approaches and resources available for spinal cord injury treatment in Kentucky.

Emergency medical care

  • Immediate stabilization: Prompt medical attention to stabilize the spine and prevent further injury is crucial. This often involves immobilization and transport to a specialized medical facility equipped to handle spinal cord injuries.

Medical and surgical interventions

  • Surgery: Depending on the type and severity of the spinal cord injury, surgery may be necessary to remove debris, stabilize fractures, decompress the spinal cord, or repair damaged tissues.
  • Medications: Prescriptions help to manage pain, reduce inflammation, prevent infections, and manage other complications associated with SCI.


  • Physical therapy: Specialized exercises and techniques may help improve strength, mobility, and coordination.
  • Occupational therapy: Some patients benefit from strategies that enhance independence in daily activities and allow them to adapt to their functional limitations.
  • Speech therapy: A speech therapist can support patients if the injury impacts their communication abilities.
  • Assistive devices: Wheelchairs, braces, and other aids may help with mobility and daily tasks.

In addition to medical care, individuals with spinal cord injuries may benefit from legal support to secure compensation for medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and other damages if the injury resulted from another party's negligence or wrongdoing. Seeking guidance from the experienced spinal cord injury attorneys at Crandall & Pera Law in Kentucky can help you navigate any legal complexities and protect your rights.

Dealing with a spinal cord injury requires a coordinated effort involving medical professionals, rehabilitation specialists, support services, and your personal injury attorney to ensure comprehensive care and support.

How can your Kentucky lawyers help with my spinal cord injury case?


Our Kentucky lawyers are dedicated to providing support and advocacy for individuals who have sustained spinal cord injuries (SCI). Here’s how we can assist you with your SCI case:

Legal consultation and case evaluation

We offer a free consultation to discuss the details of your case, understand how the injury occurred, and assess the potential for a legal claim. Our attorneys provide informed legal guidance on your rights, the legal process, and the steps to take when seeking compensation.

Investigation and evidence gathering

Our team conducts a detailed investigation into the circumstances surrounding your spinal cord injury. This investigation includes gathering evidence, reviewing medical records, consulting experts, and identifying liable parties. We work to establish negligence or fault on the part of responsible parties, such as drivers, property owners, or product manufacturers.

Calculating damages

We evaluate the full extent of your damages, including medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, and future care needs. Our goal is to ensure you receive maximum compensation to cover your present and future financial needs resulting from your SCI.

Negotiation and settlement

We negotiate with insurance companies and defense attorneys to achieve a fair settlement that adequately compensates you for your injuries and losses. Our lawyers are experienced negotiators who fight for your rights and ensure that any settlement reflects the true value of your case.

Litigation and trial representation

If we cannot reach a fair settlement, we are prepared to take your case to trial. We provide strong advocacy in court, presenting compelling arguments and evidence on your behalf. Our lawyers develop a strategic approach to litigation, aiming for a favorable verdict that holds negligent parties accountable and provides you with the compensation you deserve.

Support and guidance

We understand the emotional and physical challenges of living with a spinal cord injury. Our team provides compassionate support and guidance throughout the legal process. We maintain open communication, answer your questions promptly, and keep you informed about the progress of your case.

Long-term planning

We assist in planning for long-term care and financial security, helping you navigate the challenges of living with a spinal cord injury and ensuring you have the resources you need for ongoing treatment and support.

By leveraging our experience, resources, and dedication, our Kentucky injury lawyers are committed to providing you with the legal representation and support necessary to achieve the best possible outcome for your spinal cord injury case. We advocate fiercely for your rights, aiming to secure justice and the compensation you deserve.

Dependable counsel for those suffering from spinal cord injuries in Kentucky

When you have a spinal cord injury as the result of an accident caused by negligence, you may have lots of questions. At Crandall & Pera Law, our Kentucky spinal cord injury attorneys are here to listen to you and offer our sound legal advice to help you make important decisions about your future. You can meet with one of our attorneys in any of our multiple locations in Kentucky. We serve clients out of our Lexington and Louisville offices. Please fill out our contact form or call our offices to schedule a free consultation today.