Labor & Delivery Negligence Lawyers Ohio

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Looking Out For Ohio Victims Of Labor And Delivery Malpractice


The birth of a baby should be the happiest moment in a parent's life, but events that occur during labor or in the delivery room can quickly turn happiness to sorrow. Nature sometimes plays the major role in birthing problems, but medical incompetence is often to blame – and the impact can be devastating.

Regardless of the hospital you choose, you deserve reasonable levels of care during labor, and before and after delivery. Anything less is unacceptable.

At Crandall & Pera Law, we have seen firsthand the results of medical malpractice during childbirth: children with lifelong disabilities, mothers incapable of future pregnancies, life-threatening infections and even death. And we have helped families throughout Ohio and Kentucky after such unexpected, tragic outcomes.

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The Consequences Of Medical Negligence


Negligence during labor or birth can cause injuries ranging from infection, to brain damage, to death of both the mother and the baby. The more common types of negligence involve failure to evaluate and treat maternal health problems before childbirth, substandard performance of delivery procedures, and failure to respond timely to maternal or fetal complications when they arise. For example:

  • If an inaccurate or incomplete medical history, or a slipshod physical examination causes delivery room staff to overlook serious maternal infections such as HIV or Group B Strep, or results in an anesthesiologist administering the wrong anesthetic
  • If inadequate monitoring of the fetus for signs of distress results in fetal brain damage, severe, permanent disability or death
  • If negligent or untimely performance of a C-section results in fetal and/or maternal injury or death
  • If excessive force during delivery causes the fetus to sustain a disabling brachial plexus injury
  • If misuse of instruments such as obstetrical forceps or a vacuum extractor causes fetal skull fracture and brain trauma
  • If incorrect Pitocin induction causes damaging contractions

You may be able to receive compensation for your injuries or your baby's, to cover the cost of additional medical treatment, physical therapy, special education, pain and suffering, and other expenses.

The Crandall & Pera Law team is composed of experienced lawyers and registered nurses. We investigate our clients' claims with enough thoroughness to tell them early on whether a viable case of medical negligence exists. We are widely acknowledged throughout Ohio for our courtroom skills, having secured numerous multimillion-dollar settlements and verdicts for victims of birth injuries.

Our Birth Injury Lawyers Are Here To Help

Let the team at Crandall & Pera Law be your family's advocate. Please call or fill out our contact form to schedule a free initial consultation. We have multiple law offices conveniently located throughout Ohio and Kentucky.